
The mission of the Institute for Family Health is to provide high quality, patient-centered primary health care in communities historically neglected due to racism and poverty, regardless of patients’ ability to pay.


In support of this mission, the Institute:

  • Develops and operates community health care centers that provide primary care, behavioral health care, dental care and social services;
  • Trains physicians, nurse practitioners, dentists, behavioral health providers and additional health care professionals;
  • Commits to eliminating racism within our organization, and advocates for equity and justice by changing policies and practices that negatively impact our employees and patients;
  • Leverages health information technology to enhance the quality and efficiency of care, increase care coordination, provide patients with access to their health information, and communicate with the public health system;
  • Develops and sustains partnerships with community-based, faith-based and government organizations to address the critical clinical, social and economic needs of the communities we serve;
  • Engages in health services research and formulates policy related to primary care, behavioral health care, dental care, social services practice, and education; and
  • Promotes workforce diversity, equity and inclusion and provides a work environment that encourages personal and professional development.

Our History

View a full list of the Institute’s milestones.
See list